Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's been way too long since the last post.

Unfortunately, Skye has been busy with work, as have I.

I just found this journal entry from when I was young and had just read Harry Potter.

The only true witches are me and Dana. The others dicided they wanted to be wiches and the started saying that they wher wiches and they arnt. The only true wiches are me and Dana! They are takeing over Magic and me adn Dana need to stop them but if Dana is on their side, I'll do it my self! They cant be face [fake?] wiches. because fake wiches means magic would not be real. and they do not know that. I just don't know how to tell them!

I could put spells on them, or call them in their mind but that would not do. If I put a spell on them then they would know how to undo it, now that Dana is telling them spells. Eny way they are nice. If I talked to them in their minds, they would not be my friend and they would be mad. Those ideas will not work. I wonder what the hedmaster of hogwards, Dumbledoor would tell us to do.

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