Wednesday, February 10, 2010

They like brains.

I realized today that my school has no zombie escape plan in place. Needless to say, this is a problem. Why? Because I'm afraid that someday, the school will be infiltrated through its most sensitive spot; the Latin department.

Let's hypothesize that, like a bacterial form adapting to modern medicine, zombies have the capability to evolve in order to meet the demands of current society. To do so, they would have to have slightly more cerbrebral activity than their mindless, one track minded predecessors. Oh, and that one track? Its tantamount to a one way ticket to a lovely little town called Nom-on-your-brains-ville.

This charming town is populated by the flesh eating undead; people who at one time were thriving and alive, are now medically dead and yet are somehow still functioning at a base and yet entirely powerful level.

Review time; what language is considered dead? Oh right. Latin. What language is still used and considered both powerful and important? Latin.

From this, we can discern that Latin and Zombies are in the same category. Technically dead, but still influencing society.

What, therefore, could be more reasonable than a Zombie Latin teacher? (Who is either plotting our gruesome deaths with the rest of his or her intelligent and secretive Zombie society, or preparing us for our potential lifelong jobs as mindless Zombie slaves. One or the other.)



  1. That was a brillinat logical breakdown, or at least several crimes of equivocation!

    I like where you're going with this though =-)

  2. i dont know. who IS bass50edhunter?

  3. Perhaps zombies are not, as popularly portrayed, the walking undead. I propose to you the idea that zombies are nothing more than metaphors for Latin, the useful and potentially cerebrum-damaging, though immensely useful.
